Hand Sanitizer Eucaluptus

Rp 54.000Rp 43.000

"All-purpose - Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Sanitizer Spray untuk tangan, handphone, meja, baju, dll... dengan kadungan 100% pure essential Eucalyptus oil, mampu membunuh 80-100% virus termasuk virus Corona. Registerasi di bawah KEMENKES (KEMENKES RI PKD 20501020529) applying & smelling eucalyptus oil has been proven to: - treat wounds (antiseptic) - eliminates germs & bacteria (antibacterial) - treat respiratory problems (#1 main cause of covid-19 deaths) -removes mental exhaustion - soothes mind & soul • 70% Active Alcohol • Hydrating Effect • Fast drying • Laboratory Certified"

  • Brand :Caresso

70% Alcohol. Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Glycerin

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Spray 3x On Your Wrists (Left & Right), 2x On Your Neck And Spray 4-5x On The Rest Of Your Body. Repeat Every 3 Hours For An Extra Dose Of Happnies